I was listening to a keynote speech at an event, and the title of the speech was "Ode to the People I’ve Met." I thought this title was amazing because it really captures our life experiences and how the people we meet can impact us.
The speaker started off by saying how his parents and his teachers were true role models and mentors for him. Then he said something that stopped me in my tracks. He said that not all interactions with people are memorable because they were good ones. Whoa.
Think about it: all interactions with people, good or bad, will shape the way we think, the way we act, and the people we become.
As I think back on my career, some of the people who shaped me the most were the ones I knew I never wanted to be like. The ones who interacted with peers and clients like they were objects and not people. The ones who did not adhere to the Golden Rule, "Treat others as you'd want to be treated." The ones who were only out for themselves.
The interactions I had early in my career helped to shape the type of leader I wanted to be. At Advoco, we were recently awarded the greatest honor – we were named the number one company to work for in SC. What a truly humbling experience. When I think about this award, I don't believe I could have helped lead a company to this great honor had it not been for all the people. So an "Ode to the people I have met" and to the people I will meet.
Until next time…I’m Marty, make every minute count.
