If there is one thing I’ve learned in my life it is that we are all connected. These connections make life so special.
This week the Advoco family, and the world, lost one of its bright connections, Chris Oakley.
Chris was one of those people that made you feel special, like you mattered. He believed that we all choose our path in life and that we should live our lives with meaning and purpose. Chris believed in the importance of connections and lived it. He taught me the joy of connections.
Chris firmly believed that each connection we have is part of our life’s path. Each decision we make and each person we surround ourselves with either brings us closer or further from our desired destination. We choose who we want to be around and this determines the direction we travel. The people we associate with have a big impact on where our lives go.
As we enter the week of Christmas, I hope that each of you will tell those around you how much they mean to you. Let them know that they matter and that they are a special part of your life. Take time out of your busy schedule to reach out and make every minute count. By simply enjoying the moments with the ones we love, we can strengthen our connections.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to each and every one of you.
As a tribute to Chris and the connections he made, we have put a special video together to share with you.
Until next time…I’m Marty, make every minute count.