I was watching ESPN Game Day (as I always do at Clemson tailgates) and there was a segment about a young man who had been battling cancer since he was a young boy.
The segment chronicled his journey and on-going battle fighting the disease. It also highlighted his love for sports and playing football.
After years of surgeries and chemotherapy, he finally got the chance to play on his high school team as a holder for the field goal team. He made the most of his talent and was able to walk onto the football team at the University of Minnesota.
What struck me most about the story was not just the perseverance of the young man, but his attitude to keep looking forward. His ability to put the past behind him and look to the future.
He said something that I believe we can all live by. He said, “Tomorrow is not promised.”
I know it’s easier to say something like that after all he had been through in his life, because for most of us, we take tomorrow for granted.
Every day we need to remind ourselves that tomorrow is not promised. Each day is a gift that needs to be celebrated. Like my dad always told me, “If there is faith in the future then there will be power in the present.”
Next time you take tomorrow for granted, just remind yourself tomorrow is never promised.
Until next time…I’m Marty, make every minute count.